(608) 723-6366 (608) 723-6366


A healthy dog can be a wonderful companion for many years. At the Lancaster Vet Clinic, we recommend yearly exams for your dog to make sure vaccinations, rabies shots and other preventive healthcare measures are kept up-to-date.

Call 608-723-6366 to schedule an appointment for your dog.


Puppy Visit

The first puppy visit consists of an exam and the appropriate vaccinations your dog will need for its lifestyle. We do a thorough exam of all systems of your puppy. We look at skin, eyes, teeth, and gums. We check the knees and back, and we look for fleas and wounds. We listen to the heart for any irregularities the puppy may have been born with. We will do fecal exams and look for internal parasites. We spend time with the owner discussing puppy issues such as house breaking, leash walking, training, nutrition, flea and tick medications, heartworm preventatives, vaccinations, and neutering. Please write down and bring along any                                                                                                                questions you may have.


Middle Age Visit

As your dog enters middle age, we offer yearly exams and vaccination protocols that are right for your dog’s lifestyle. We continue to check all organs and body systems yearly. We work with the owner on a nutrition plan that is important to the individual dog. We spend a lot of time on nutrition because it is so important for maintaining a dog’s health. We do teeth cleanings and will schedule those during annual visits.




Senior Citizen Visit

As your dog reaches senior citizen status, we recommend continuing yearly visits. At these senior age visits we continue our nutrition discussion and vaccination protocols as well as recommend yearly senior blood panels. We have available an array of tests that check the organ functions of our geriatric patients. Our belief is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment. Catching organ failure at the beginning can prolong your dog’s life tremendously by starting them on appropriate treatment.



We see so many pooches a day and love the way they show their personalities as they come in the door. The little Jack Russell lets everyone know he is there with his head and tail up and a little hop as he barks, “Look at me, I am as big as the world. Don’t you mess with me!” The little Shih Tzu pounces her way into the clinic with a crazily wagging tail. She runs in circles on the end of the leash trying to tell her mom that she is way too cute to have to do this! The big Rottweiler meanders in and plops on the scale with the attitude, “Come on, let’s get this over with.” We love them all big or small. The best is when a client comes in with their first little puppy. They place them on the counter and the puppy swings its little head over its shoulder and looks at us with rummy eyes as if to say, “Hey, what are you all about? I need a nap,” and yawns! We love seeing the puppies and dogs, getting to know their personalities, and seeing the excited and proud owners!

  • Mondays: 7 am - 7 pm
  • Tues-Fri: 7 am - 5 pm
  • Saturday: 7 am - Noon


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Committed to the health of your livestock and pets.